You seem so far away. Please get here quicker. Thanks!
Love,Suz & Dan
For those of you who don't realize, January 16th is the day I will be marrying the man of my dreams and getting a super cool last name (that is very fun to pronounce with a French accent....try it! it's fun!)
Lately I've noticed that anytime I'm feeling like the wedding is light years away, all I have to do is drive on over to my neighborhood Hobby Lobby and suddenly it gets tons better!
You see, at Hobby Lobby, Christmas begins around August. So anytime I go there and see all of the Christmas decor, I start thinking that the wedding is just around the corner!! I just love Hobby Lobby (or as Denise refers to it "The Hob Lob")
In the spirit of wedding mania, here are some interesting links about weddings and marriage:
NY Times thoughts on Marriage
Mega Church, Mega Wedding
Hatch 'n Match Ceremonies
Case for Early Marriage (what I lovingly refer to as "getting married is so hot right now")
And finally the link to our pre-marriage class we start one week from today!
~Share the LOVE and HOPE of Christ by spreading JOY everyday!
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