The vanity.
The excess.
The waste of time, money, and energy on things that don't matter in the big picture of eternity.
I'm committed to making January 16th about a covenant that I am making with the man of my dreams in the presence of our almighty creator. I'm committed to caring more about our family and our love than the shade of white on our place cards. I'm committed to focusing on building and strengthening our future marriage rather than focusing on trivial details that no one will remember. I'm commited to remembering that the world does not revolve around my wedding, but instead revolves around Christ's love for us.
I've asked a few girls to hold me accountable in my quest to NOT become Bridezilla, and I'm claiming Philippians 4:7 and trusting that Lord will guard my heart and my mind and prevent me from becoming a Bridezilla!
"And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7
~Share the LOVE and HOPE of Christ by spreading JOY everyday!