My birthday was on Saturday, and I almost missed it! I was in Kentucky for a bridal shower with Dan's side of the family and nearly missed my own birthday! No birthday cake, no singing happy birthday, no birthday presents....we were in full-on wedding mode! :-)

But before you start feeling sorry for me, please keep in mind that I recieved three SUVs full of wedding presents, so there's no pouting around here!

When we got home, Dan gave me a birthday present-- a full day that is wedding free! We're going to run around town doing our favorite things, just having fun and enjoying the day with no to-do lists, no errands, and no wedding planning! And in it's place we'll go to the Opera at the brand new Dallas Performing Arts center, eat a home cooked meal by my favorite Chef Dan and watch a marathon of Alias DVDs (my latest addiction! so good!)

I'm so thankful for the outpouring of love and blessings from everyone during this very special time of my life! And even more thankful for my amazing fiance who knew more than I did how much I needed a break from the wedding craziness to just have a fun day to play! Can't wait!
~Share the LOVE and HOPE of Christ by spreading JOY everyday!
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