In exactly 99 days, I will be marrying the man of my dreams!! So in honor of reaching double digits in the countdown (and for all the wedding mania going on in my family--- if you didnt hear the news, my sister is engaged too! read the previous post!) I thought it would be fun to post the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our wedding!
Wedding FAQs So, when's the big day? are you excited?
January 16th and yes!
What about your sister?
March 20th! It's going to be a busy 6 months for our family!
What are your colors?
Champagne Gold and Pink (duh!)
Where is your wedding taking place?
The ceremony is at First Baptist Church Dallas. I grew up at First Baptist and have decades of amazing memories in that church. My grandparents got married there, and so did my parents. I cannot imagine getting married anywhere besides FBC in the Sanctuary! And I'm so blessed that it worked out! After the ceremony, we will go across the street to the Fairmont Hotel for a sit down dinner and dance with some close friends and family.
Who are some of your vendors?We ordered a yummy cake through
Dallas Affairs, beautiful invitations through
DeLovely, and are working with the very talented photographer
Luke Edmonson. A super fun Frank Sinatra style band,
Ricki Derek Band, will be playing tunes at our reception. But our best of the best vendors are the oh-so-incredible, couldn't-do-it-without-her
Holly Tripp of Holly Tripp Event Design, and the floral and design GENIUS of
Fete de Fleurs (love Darren & Craig!!). And it cannot go without mention that my mom is ultimately the best vendor in the world. This wedding would not happen without her doing about 90% of the work (and now starting all over again with my sister!)
Where are you going on your honeymoon?From the excellent recommendations of
Katie & Ben, we are going to
Secrets Resort in Mexico. Yayy!!
Are you going to see each other before the ceremony? Nope. We LOVE traditions and have really enjoyed incorporating traditions into our wedding including this one!
Do you have a "something old, something new, something borrow, something blue"? Yep! Like I said, we love traditions! My "something old" will be my paternal grandmother's white mink coat! I figure if you get married in the middle of winter, you can do fun things like wear mink! :-) My "something new" is my gorgeous wedding dress. My "something borrow"
is my sister Claire's bridal veil. And my "something blue" is Dan's great great great grandmother's light blue handkerchief. It's almost 200 years old and it's absolutely the most beautiful delicate thing you've ever seen!
What do the bridesmaid's dresses look like?Pretty much I hate all bridesmaids dresses. They really are just awful
(see previous post here) but I found
some dresses that seem better than most.
Are you and Dan going to do a really crazy first dance? Not really.
We love dancing! But we aren't planning a big choreographed dance for our first dance. We're just going to get out there and enjoy a special moment together. Now our last dance is another story..... :-)
Can we start calling you by your new nickname SuMo? (if you dont get this think about my new last name) Yes, but only if I can give you an equally awesome nickname.
~Share the LOVE and HOPE of Christ by spreading JOY everyday!